
Yygdrasil of Kujata is a blog dedicated to following the life and times of my FFXI character Yygdrasil on the Kujata server. You can expect to find postings of my accomplishments, tips and tools and a lot of SMN (Summoner) talk. To be perfectly honest; I constructed this blog more-or-less as a journal for myself. Should you find any useful information within, please feel free to use it for yourself, just give me credit for any unique ideas. Oh! If you see me in game /tell me what you think of the blog!


The November 9th Update: For SMN

With the November 9th update, a lot of things have been changed, altered and added. As usual, the only things that are of any interest to me are the ones concerning SMN. Here's the list ^-^

Now that the update is in effect, we as SMN have learned a few things about this new ability.

  1. Avatar's Favor is a pet ability. For example: You must have an Avatar summoned in order for the ability to appear in the "pet command" list.
  2. While Avatar's Favor is active, summoned Avatars will deal 15% less physical and magical damage. This counts for both melee and Blood Pacts.
  3. The ability effects all party members within 10' of the Avatar and does not effect alliance members or participants in Campaign.
  4. Each of the Avatar's "Favor Effects" cap after approximately 1.00 - 1.25 min of perpetuation.
  5. Each of the Avatar's "Favor Effects" gain an additional boost as long as the caster's Summoning Skill is maintained above a certain number for the duration of the perpetuation. For example: If the caster's summoning skill is 316 or less, Diabolos' Refresh will cap at +3mp/tic. But if the caster's summoning skill is 317 or higher, Diabolos' Refresh will cap at +4mp/tic as long as the summoning skill remains at 317 or greater. It's important to note that not all Avatar's have the same "sweet spot" or "magic number" at which point this added effect kicks in, although they are roughly all between 315-319.
  6. The Avatars themselves do not gain the effects of their own Favors, nor does it seem that they are effected by other Summoner's Avatars Favor. For Example: Ifrit does not appear to have dual attack or any signs of the ability proc'ing alone or in the presence of another Ifrit's Favor.
  7. While Avatar's Favor is in effect, the Summoner gains an additional -2 Perpetuation cost to all Avatars. This does not extend to Elemental Spirits.
  8. Lastly: It is still in testing to determine if the use of Blood Pact's (Rage and Ward) resets the Favor to it's starting point.

There have also been a vast number of new items introduced with the update. Although a lot of them are interesting, I'm going to be focusing on the ones pertaining to use by SMN only.

Morana Pigaches
[Feet] DEF:10 INT+1
Shiva: Enhances magic accuracy
Ex, Rare
Lv 72 SMN

Fenrir's Crown
[Head] DEF:10 MP+12
Fenrir: Enhances accuracy
Ex, Rare
Lv 70 SMN

In my opinion, we have been long overdue for more Avatar specific equipment. While these appear to be interesting, they are also purely situational. Morana's Pigaches could be used to macro in before Shiva uses a Magic based BP, but besides that... it's just another inventory slot taken up with something that will hardly make a difference in the long run. Neat one the less. Fenrir's Crown is the same way. Besides it's effect on Fenrir, it's lacking in anything else worth talking about. Similar to the Shiva feet, they could be used to macro in before using a physical BP and not much else. Theoretically you could use them if you intended to melee with Fenrir, but there are many better options to keep on during that time. In the long haul, not worth it.

Besides these 2 newly added pieces, we only have 4 other equipment pieces that effect individual Avatars in some way. Of course there are the Carby Mitts, a must have for any SMN planning to solo, reducing Carbuncle's perpetuation cost by half (rounded up). Then there's the Karura Hashigane, quite possibly one of the most powerhouse pieces of equipment available to a SMN for use with Garuda. This piece alone increases her over-all attack and defense as well as reducing her perpetuation cost by 2, EPIC. We also have the Evoker's Gages, talk about Situational. At first glance this item appears to be crap, but it has a hidden effect of reducing Leviathan's perpetuation cost by 2. Awesome right? Not really. The effect only kicks in if you have Leviathan summoned while participating in Beseiged. Prestige... nothing more. Lastly there are Carbuncle's Cuffs which augment Carbuncle's "Shining Ruby" ability. With these equipped, shining ruby will also grant the effect of Regen, neat. Besides that, the cuffs also reduce summoning magic casting time by 1 second. Basically it takes 1 less second to summon an avatar or spirit while these are equipped, also neat.

In all, I'm glad that we are getting more Avatar specific equipment, but I would have liked to see more pieces that could play a perminent role in one of the slots, not just another piece of "Oh wait, I've got that!" equipment. That being said, I'm just glad to see that we're being paid attention to at all.

That is basically it from the update. A few things that are "woohoo!" and a few more that are more "meh". All around, knowing SE, they could have done better... but they also could have done a WHOLE LOT WORSE.

More to come... as I am going to be mentoring a new player to the game and trying to grind through CoP at the same time. Wish me luck!

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